Hey all, so I’m pretty new to UiPath and would really appreciate any help I could get for this project, essentially the requirements are that I have to scrape data from amazon in the cell phones category, and include the following data then in an excel file: Product Name, Current Price, Original Price, Quantity Sold, Seller Info, No. of reviews and rating. Now where I’m facing an issue is seller info as to find the seller’s name, we have to click on that specific products name so I’m currently struggling to understand how I’m supposed to do this for each product. Any help would be appreciated
Follow the steps…
1 . Use application/ browser activity , and indicate the browser you need .
2. You can use data scrapping , and indicate the fields you need to extract
3. This will create a data table with the values for you
4. Then write range to write this data table to an excel
To click on each product you can use for eqch ui element…it will help you loop through each product and inside that use click with currentelment as input to the click
Then scrape the data and then come back to original page to let the loop continue
Thanks for the response, if you don’t mind me asking though how would I make it so it would click the next page button once it has scrapped all the data on one page? Also when I select an element on the products detail page for table data extraction it says it cannot determine a pattern and doesn’t let me select it.
Thanks for the response, however the issue I’m facing is that I need to get the info in every product’s detail page, and some of these pages have a different format than others thus causing the UI Element not to be found
You need to find common or generic selectors which would be same across…leverage ui explorer and find the attributes which are common