After patching robots to 2023.10.9 we finally got rid of a problem where Jobs randomly refused to start (“Creating user session timed out”).
But after the patch we got a new error:
Could not start executor. Rdp connection failed: Message: An authentication failure aborted the connection. Last error: 131081
System.Exception: Could not start executor. Rdp connection failed: Message: An authentication failure aborted the connection. Last error: 131081
We’re using Orchestrator Cloud and have VMs on Azure.
Is the Job trying to log in twice?
Event logs:
Event viewer - Application:
Duplicate assembly: C:\Users\RPANJO.nuget\packages\UiPath.emgucvbundle\1.0.0\lib/net5.0/vcruntime140.dll
Event viewer - Security:
A logon was attempted using explicit credentials.
An account was successfully logged on.
An account was successfully logged on.
An account was logged off.
An account was logged off.
A logon was attempted using explicit credentials.
The computer attempted to validate the credentials for an account.
An account failed to log on.