Could not find UiElement, but the selector is Validated


Am using a type into activity in SAP which has to type the path in a pop up window which is in the front now.
When the BOT reaches this point, it fails with the error, "Could not find the UI element corresponding to this selector: "

But when I validated the selector, it is validated properly and highlighted properly.

I tried

  1. using delay
  2. Click before Typing
  3. Alter if disabled
  4. Activate
  5. Simulate Type

None of this resolved this issue.

Replacing part of selector with * moves to some other element. So could not use that option.

Requesting your advice on this. Thanks in advance.

Hey! Welcome to community!

Will suggest you to use the following options as well

  1. Delay before 400
  2. Delay after 400
  3. UiTimeOut 3000
  4. Wait for ready- Complete

And without simulate first if this is working … use Send Windows message both options works with Background

Try this and let me know


Hello @shahidh.aqeel.shahul

Please share the Selector of that ui element. Also can you make sure that window is loaded properly before its typing.


While using Type Into activity, go to it’s properties and expand the “Target” option and in the “Target” option select “Complete” in the option of “Wait for Window”, and if issue remains unsolved then share the selector and screenshot


Hafiz Mohammad Ahsan

Thank you all for your response.

The issue got resolved by making some modifications in the attributes of the selector.

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