Connecting Orchestrator with UiPath Robot - Error


I followed the procedure to connect Uipath Robot to Orchestrator. I provided correct Machine key and Orchestrator url. On clicking “connect”, the following error showed up:-
“A Task was cancelled”

Please help me resolve this.

@isha.bhatnagar Check this :

Yes. I am facing same error. Do you know how to resolve this?

@isha.bhatnagar Check the Post Above i Shared, It has a Solution, Use that Solution and Check if it works for you

I tried this. It’s not working for me

@isha.bhatnagar Restarted the Machine and Checked ? :thinking:

Hi @isha.bhatnagar

Check this

Ashwin S

Yes. I restarted the machine. Also created new machine and robot in Orchestrator. Still the same issue is there