UiPath Robot Tray Error-A task was canceled

When the Robot was connectting to the orchestrator ,this error was displayed

welcome to UiPath community
hope this wuld help you

Cheers @hou

,the setting was look like as you said.

How to solve problems

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sorry for the delayed response

kindly restart the robot service and try once
–the step involed are
Restart the service manually and check if you are able to Run it back:
Go to:
Run-> type services.msc->uipath robot-> Right click and start

If the options Stop & Restart is not visible, please open services in admin mode.

–and once after restarting delete the machine and robot created for this
–recreate the same and try once with connecting them
–the machine name must be same as in robot tray
–create a robot for that machine and make sure that the robot type is UNATTENDED or DEVELOPMENT
–and the domain/username should be same as in cmd output of command whoami in the machine which we are trying to connect

kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @hou

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I’m sorry!There was not the uipath robot service in the services list in my computer.

For another question:
I can’t create my robot.The message is [Disabled due to insufficient permissions]

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so were you able to connect now buddy

Problem solved.
–and once after restarting delete the machine and robot created for this
–recreate the same and try once with connecting them
–the machine name must be same as in robot tray
–create a robot for that machine and make sure that the robot type is UNATTENDED or DEVELOPMENT

but the cause of this problem ,I don’t know why a task was canceled.

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