Config RDP timeout to create user session

Default timeout to wait for creating windows user session is 30 seconds. On some machines this time is insufficient.

The feedback received in Orchestrator is: “Executor start process failed, reason System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80070520): A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated…"

An environment variable is added to configure waiting timeout.

Description: The UIPATH_SESSION_TIMEOUT environment variable should be defined on Windows system variable and represent the seconds to wait for a user session. If is not defined, default timeout (30 seconds) will be used. After set the UIPATH_SESSION_TIMEOUT environment variable, an restart of UiRobot service must be performed.


  1. In windows open Run and execute: SystemPropertiesAdvanced

  2. Click on Environment Variables


  1. In the System variables section add new variable

  1. Restart the UiRobot SVC

Note: This workaround is available for the latest versions (v17.1.6435.21855 and 2016.2.6437.26235)


This solution did not work for me!!!.

My solution though I can’t explain how it solved (May be you can help me with it):

Deleted and recreated Robot in Orchestrator and it works,

Is this solution applicable for newer versions of UiPath like 2017.1.6682 or 2018.2.6?

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