Recently we have upgraded our UiPath unattended robots from version 2021.10.5 to version 2023.4.2, and we are experiencing intermittent issue whereby a job will fault after trying to create/imitate the RDP session on the unattended server jobs are being created via the cloud Orchestrator.
Info: Could not start executor. Creating user session timed out.
System.Exception: Could not start executor. Creating user session timed out.
We did not experience this for 2+ years of running on version 2021.10.5, and we have 1 server which is still running version 2021.10.5 and this is the only server which does not have faulted jobs over the past 3 months.
We have worked with UiPath technical support but they have been unable to identify the root cause.
I have tried the usual increasing the UiPath_Timeout, making sure robot are set to logon to console false etc, and these servers are the same ones which were running processes on the 2021.10.5 studio of the past 5 months, so no setting have been changed regarding robot Orchestrator settings etc.
I wondered if anyone else had experienced anything similar when attempting to run Unattended processes on 2023.4.2 robots?
· Go to Control Panel → Programs → Apps and Features → Uninstall the UiPath Platform Installer (if exists) and UiPath Studio
After the UiPath Studio/Robot uninstallation, delete the below folders if exists:
· The settings in the folders %PROGRAMDATA%\UiPath, %LOCALAPPDATA%\UiPath, and %APPDATA%\UiPath
· The packages folder %USERPROFILE%.nuget\packages
· The NuGet cache folder %LOCALAPPDATA%\NuGet\v3-cache
· The Assistant processes folder in the Windows Start menu %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\UiPath Assistant Automations
· The content from the %temp% folder
Install again the UiPath Studio/Robot using this installer
· Make sure that you followed the prerequisites from
· Try to set the UiPath_SESSION_TIMEOUT System Environment variable to 500 and restart the UiPath Robot service.
Same problem after updating from 2022.4 to 2023.10 (Studio, Robot/Assistant, Chrome-addon).
UiPath_SESSION_TIMEOUT is set to 500 but didn’t help.
We have Cloud Orchestrator.
Hello Marian,
we are having same problem version 2023.4.2, i tried all above but no luck to get the user session.
the only thing we have to login in manually then it can create a session via the orchestrator !
any idea tips!
I have had the same problem in the last few years with different robots. So, linking it directly to a version (in this case, 2023.4.2) may not solve the problem.
The main issue here is the crashing packages. I tried almost all the solutions proposed in the UiPath forum in the past, but none worked with me. Then, I found my way by trying different solutions.
First of all, jumping from version 21.x.x to 23.x.x is significant so that many things can be broken during these upgrades. For example, when you upgrade your packages, the Orchestrator will install these new packages on the VDI/local machine. So even if you think you upgraded your version from 2021.x to 2023.x, there may be some activities still linked to your old version files that were installed before.
As a result, these kinds of crashes (e.g., adding/removing/replacing activities) can prevent your robot from starting.
Another crucial point is that if you already have custom libraries you created, the packages in these libraries should also be updated/upgraded.
In the end, I figured out that some solutions worked for me:
Deleting unused packages from the project,
Deleting the old libraries fully/partly from the VDI machines under %userprofile%.nuget\packages,
Updating/editing the libraries and replacing them with the correct ones (sometimes the new library can have a bug that can prevent starting your robot, so you should downgrade your version to the old one),
Reinstalling UiPath Studio/Orchestrator and syncing them with the closest version. (I needed this once since the UiPath version was too old)
Tried deleting everything with UiPath on a VM, including user packages, and then reinstalled the latest version of Chrome-Addon and robot (unattended connected to Cloud Orchestrator).
We still several times a day get the error in Orchestrator jobs:
Could not start executor. Creating user session timed out.
System.Exception: Could not start executor. Creating user session timed out.
If we restart the process it works fine.
We didn’t have this problem before the upgrade from 22.* to 23.10.*
UiPath_USER_SESSION is set to 240, so Start time → End time is 4 minutes in Job detail.
This means it does indeed wait for creating user session.
Did you get any support on this? We have recently upgraded from 2020 to 2023 and we are experiencing the same error. We have done a lot of cleaning up and adjusted all of our processes but few times a day random processes get this “Could not start executor. Creating user session timed out” error.
Unfortunately not, I did try the instructions above but no luck. We have had to manage these exceptions annoyingly, I’m hoping upgrading to version 2023.10 might resolve the issue
After upgrading the robot to 23.10.5, you should receive in Event Viewer logs a path for session timeout screenshot. At least, you will know of which page it fails. Maybe there is a legal notice for which the robot cannot go through.
If you have a 23.10 robot, open the Event Viewer → Windows Logs → Application → in one of the error logs, you should see a mention to a path with a screenshot
Did you resolve this error by changing start times?
Is it start time for any job, or start time for jobs of the same package (with different arguments)?
The company I work for also experienced this error message after upgrading from 2022.10 to 2023.10. It occurs most often when the job’s schedules slightly overlap (i.e. when one is queued up in a pending state while there is still a job running on a given machine).
Quote from UiPath Support:
This is a known situation, and it’s expected when the connections are limited.
It’s happening because the new connection is happening too fast, before the initial one is properly disconnected.
It started with 23.4 because we have implemented a new library for windows sessions.
As this is a Windows issue, we have implemented a retry mechanism on some versions yet to be released.
I think it is worth noting that in the above quote, UiPath support kind of blames it on being a Microsoft Windows issue, but this issue did not occur in the 2022.10 version. I was able to downgrade and prove it to them. Therefore, I consider it a bug with UiPath.
Solutions UiPath Support proposed:
You can try to use the 24.10.5 Community release or wait for the Enterprise one.
In the meantime, You can switch the [Group] policy to Not Configured or Set it to 2, and give it a try, which as per my understanding should not affect as Win 10 only allows one RDP connection at a time by default in most cases.
Neither workaround they offered is acceptable solution at this time. Installing the community version is not a supported for enterprise customers; we would be on our own if we encounter issues with it and the second option would likely get us in trouble with Microsoft from a licensing point of view.
My workaround at this time is to turn the Login To Console setting to off and let it default to Yes. Please NOTE this means the custom screen resolution settings will not work. If you have automations that require a custom screen resolution, this workaround may not work for you.
Another temporary workaround could be adjusting the schedules to minimize the potential for the jobs to have overlapping runtimes.
We updated our Virtual Machines to Robot v. 2023.10.9 and the problem got kind of fixed, but we got another error now:
Could not start executor. Rdp connection failed: Message: An authentication failure aborted the connection. Last error: 131081
System.Exception: Could not start executor. Rdp connection failed: Message: An authentication failure aborted the connection. Last error: 131081
“We’ve added a retry feature for handling premature disconnections of Remote Desktop Session. This can occur in situations beyond the Robot’s control, such as failures during the Windows login or loading the user profile.”