When I use classic activity take screen shot of a region, how do I set that image to clipboard?
I am doing a ctrl c and trying to paste. But it is not working.
Thanks a lot
When I use classic activity take screen shot of a region, how do I set that image to clipboard?
I am doing a ctrl c and trying to paste. But it is not working.
Thanks a lot
Can you try System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetImage method as the following?
Sequence.xaml (5.4 KB)
Thank you @Yoichi
What do I need to learn to gain this kind of knowledge. Do I need to know deep .net?
As it’s .net class and method, it’s better to know .net deeply.
In this case, even if we don’t know it, we might be able to find document regarding it to use search keywords like C# (or VB.net) + “what we want to do” in google. For example, “C# image to Clipboard”.
Thank you, @Yoichi
I am using classic screenshot for region selection combined by the suggestion above. Working good for me. But I am concerned Classic activities may get retired soon. May I ask what would be the equivalent in Modern? Modern screenshot does not have region selection.
Thanks a lot,
I’ll reply to topic you newly raised.
It is amazing to find alternatives for every issue.
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