Take screenshot with coordinates

Is it possible to take a screenshot with specific coordinates on Studio?


Hi @yang.keat.tan

The following resource will help you with this:

Best Regards.

Hi @arjunshenoy

Is that resource updated? As my Take Screenshot Activity does not seem to have the clipping region.


Go to activities …click on filter icon and select classic …then you would see one more screenshot activity and in that you would see the clipping region

Also…in the modern you can try selection the null dropdown beside target and select target anchorqble then you would see more options below it…

Hope this helps


Thank you. is it possible to pass variables into this clipping region? If not, which activity should i use?


Unfortunately it does not support variables

You can use input element if you want to take screenshot of any specific element and if you need to take screwnshot of that



We can use SetClippingRegion activity as the following. Can you try the following sample?

Sample20230613-3L.zip (3.5 KB)


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