Classic - take screenshot

Classic activity take screenshot allows me to select region. Modern take screenshot activity does not allow. What is the equivalent of classic screenshot in modern?



First Can you try to use F3 when indicate element.
If it doesn’t work, can you try the following workaround?

First, take screenshot including your target region area.
Then use the following expression to crop image.

img = img.SimpleCrop(New UiPath.Core.Region(New Rectangle(10,10,100,100)))



Thank you. I tried. When taking screen shot, top portion is missing. So code line not helping. With classic screenshot I am actually able to include the top portion also as I am able to select region.



What do you mean top portion?
If you need full screenshot, can you try to use it outside UseBrowser/Appliction activity?


hi @A_Learner

If you need the screenshot of full screen, please just simply use the activity without indicating any thing.

Something like this and then you will get your top portion as well.

If I do not indicate screen, it is giving other open screen shot which does not work.

Thank you,

This does not work for me. The classic activity actually selects region from the page. This modern activity clips the selected region. I am sticking to your original solution of classic screen shot and set image. Thank you,

Hi @A_Learner

Get the screen on foreground first and then use that screenshot activity without indicating, that way you would be able to get your desired screenshot and it might not give you the problem that you’re facing right now.


Thank you, this trick working. However I stick to the classic activity previously used. Appreciate the input.

Hi @A_Learner

  1. Drag and drop the “Take Screenshot” activity onto your workflow canvas. Save the Output in a variable say “Image” and datatype is Image(UiPat.Core.Image)
  2. Use Save Image activity to save the Image in the desired path. Give the fileName and save the image you will get the desired Output.


Hope it helps!!