Hi, I’m trying to set the image to clipboard using above suggested invoke method. But I’m below error. Kindly assist
Hello @Ramya_Annamdevula ,
Please have a look at this post, the same problem has been solved here !
Why don’t you use Clipboard option of TakeScreenshot activity?
Or try as the following.
Edit : We can directly set UiPath.Core.Image type variable at the first parameter as the above image if set type as System.Drawing.Image.
(At first, used CType but not needed)
Thank you for your quick response. It’s working now.
As per the requirement, after taking the screenshot & before pasting it, bot needs to perform certain activities which are involved with clipboard. So I can’t directly use the ‘Clipboard’ option in ‘Take Screenshot’. Hence saving the Image object & using it in later via ‘Invoke method’
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