
I could not clear the certification practical session because of the below criteria mentioned.

1. use robotic enterprise framework,
—I definitely made use of the framework to complete the whole task but still why was this mentioned.Should I have sent it in some other format while uploading?

2. check transaction item variable and arguments data type,

3. check config file - config.xlsx for extra configurations for acme_url and acme_credential,
– I have used the same name for the arguments/variables that was mentioned in the test but still this point was mentioned

4.check the killallprocesses.xaml file, for correct definition and functionality. ,

5.check for synchronizing ui when navigating pages

Q. Should we use the names of the variables/arguments defined in the exam or we can use our own names?

Please guide me how can i improve the above points also could someone suggest me how which file should/shouldn’t be uploaded in the exam so that i do not repeat these mistakes again .



I could not clear the certification practical session because of the below criteria mentioned.

1. use robotic enterprise framework,
—I definitely made use of the framework to complete the whole task but still why was this mentioned.Should I have sent it in some other format while uploading?

2. check transaction item variable and arguments data type,

3. check config file - config.xlsx for extra configurations for acme_url and acme_credential,
– I have used the same name for the arguments/variables that was mentioned in the test but still this point was mentioned

4.check the killallprocesses.xaml file, for correct definition and functionality. ,

5.check for synchronizing ui when navigating pages

Q. Should we use the names of the variables/arguments defined in the exam or we can use our own names?

Please guide me how can i improve the above points also could someone suggest me how which file should/shouldn’t be uploaded in the exam so that i do not repeat these mistakes again .


you should do advance training from uipath academy then all points will be clear.

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Supposed to zip all files within the project folder and upload that


First of all as @ig250097 said you will have to complete all the levels very carefully specially Level 3 and its assignments.

I would recommend to complete those trainings then only you should go for Advanced Certification.

You will have to be careful and perfect in everything you perform and that is why it is named as Advanced Certification.


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As in Level 3, the email address used for logging into Academy should be same as the login credentials for ACME site.
Hence, just want to check if the login credentials for certification platform and ACME also needs to be same.
to sum up, i want to know if the email address for ACADEMY (where i completed level 3) + ACME + uipath certification platform needs to be same.
or can we use different email address for uipath platform certification.

Hi @Priya_Priya

I do not think certification platform should use the same emailId because I think it is a different platform which is not linked as of now.

But it is recommended that you use the same id for all.


Hi @Priya_Priya

Having future developments in mind, I would suggest to use the same email for all our platforms whenever possible :slight_smile:


hi all,

very informative topic, thank you!

i am still unsure about what to do regarding a certain request in the certification exam, the “Add the ACME_Credential to the Excel Config file”. It says we’re not supposed to use Orchestrator Assets. I assume we are not to store user and password in clear text in config.

So i am tempted to use windows credential as asset, with Get Secure Credetial activity in the login workflow. Is this ok(as far as grading and review for certification is concerned)?

Thank you!

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Just put the Creed as config item

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I used get secure credentials

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Hello everyone,
Like @Afiyah I could also not clear the certification practical exam, twice already, with the same given grade and same given answers for Failed criteria:
check config file - config.xlsx for extra configurations for acme_url and acme_credential - I have these in the config file, as well as 3 other extra elements!

check for renaming activities 2 - I looked and tried to rename every activity I could, maybe there was one that I missed, but still.

check for correct usage of items from the transactionitem 1 - I am not sure what this one pertains to, since I checked to make sure that the application did what was intended.

check usage of transactiondata - Same as the above

check against using hardcoded values 1 - I had no hardcoded values whatsoever, I made sure to triple check this! Unless they consider the “input parameters” when invoking a method as being “hardcoded”, which seems, honestly, counter-intuitive in a way, considering that 2 of the only values used like this already came with REFramework (the values were directing towards the Config file)

check against using hardcoded values 2 - Same as the above

check against using correct city values - Per instructions I did not have city values to match against but country values, values which I had saved on the Config file and made sure to fetch them and use data manipulation to obtain those into a String Array so I could match them to the Scrapped data. These values, I triple checked too to make sure they were correct!

The instructions/guidelines I received were to perform a simple, in 1 REFramework (no separate Dispatcher and Performer), Scraping data from All Vendors and then check, by TaxID, every single vendor for their name, city and country, then make sure the country value was contained in the Country Values String Array. Business Exception and other Exceptions were performed (but these are not part of the Failed Criteria).

I already submitted a ticket, but in the response I was told “Unfortunately, we have no developers available to check your assignment manually”. Could someone help me with this?

Thank you

Even i get the same output…
it’s really difficult to understand what exactly went wrong in my case or anyother mentioned above.
i have gone through all videos in academy and solve all assignment too in advance training.
Similar way i did this assignments and now the result.

It seems contradictory then that whatever we learnt and did the same way but getting result like this.

Can somebody really help from Uipath to understand what exactly meanining of each error log given in following result so that we can rectify and resubmit rather than just wisdom of words “go through all videos in academy and then try”

Your final mark is 63

Unfortunately you did not pass the Certification on 2019-02-10 16:11:27.

Your status is - Not Certified

Failed criteria:

check config file - config.xlsx for extra configurations for acme_url and acme_credential,
check for renaming activities 1,
check for renaming activities 2,
check for correct target selector 1,
check for correct target selector 2,
check for correct queue item properties with optimal usage,
check for validation of correct items

Same problem here, the Failed criteria are not giving much indication, and seem erroneous. For instance, yes I did include configurations in config.xlsx, and renamed my activities. What is considered a correct usage of items/transactiondata? For the record, I have done the assignments from class 3 already. What should I do next?

  • check config file - config.xlsx for extra configurations for acme_url and acme_credential,
  • check for renaming activities 1,
  • check for renaming activities 2,
  • check for correct target selector 1,
  • check for correct usage of items from the transactionitem 1 ,
  • check for correct usage of transactiondata,
  • check against using hardcoded values 2,
  • check using correct city values

i also receive same problem:

check config file - config.xlsx for extra configurations for acme_url and acme_credential,
check the initallapplications.xaml file, for correct definition and functionality. ,
check for renaming activities 1,
check for renaming activities 2,
check for correct target selector 2,
check usage of transactiondata,
check for correct usage of transactiondata,
check using correct city values,
check for correct usage of items from the transactionitem 2

any details please…

do you mean add the credential user id and password in config file ?
and remove the orchestrator key ?

I passed the exam and thats what I did. We cannot use the orchestrator. Put them as config items and you should be thru

i’ve added them as windows credentials, will that be fine as well ?
so now my config looks as below:

@ANSHUL No. You have to use the same Words as ACME_URL and ACME_Credential. Also for Credential, you can use Orchestrator. Since you are using Orchestrator for Dispatching Queue Items anyway. So there no point saying You can’t Use Orchestrator.

To follow REFramework and TransactionItem type as QueueItem, You have to use Orchestrator.

you don’t use orchestrator in developper certification