I used Orchestrator in Developer Certification. (for Queue and Assets)

maybe that was before

no. This means if you are using any Orchestrator assets (File Names) pointing out any location outside your Project folder. For credentials or Queueitems you can use Orchestrator.

Hi @Theepan, I am also going to attempt the certification exam. as you said we can use orchestrator. But i have one doubt, how they evaluate if we are referring asset and queue which is in orchestrator and need credential to login orchestrator.

  1. You are using UiPath Test Data and test site.
  2. You have to upload your all source code as zip file to them
    If you can read their grading system on certification exam site https://certificate.uipath.com/hubfs/AdvancedCertification-GradingScheme.xlsx

You will get more understanding how they are evaluating your code.

Hi! I also tried certification and the following is my failure criteria:

check config file - config.xlsx for extra configurations for acme_url and acme_credential,
check for renaming activities 2,
check for excel appendrange configuration,
check for correct usage of items from the transactionitem 1 ,
check usage of transactiondata,
check for correct usage of transactiondata,
check against using hardcoded values 2,
check using correct city values,
check for correct usage of items from the transactionitem 2

I used config file with acme_url and acme_credential. my credential is on orchestrator though. Are we not allowed to use store our credentials on orchestrator?

As per the use case, only address, vendor and country is checked. Why do we need city value? And the rest are just unclear to me. I think I used transactiondata and transactionitem correctly. Really frustrating.

can you please upload your config file here.

Here is my config file. Really appreciate your help

Config.xlsx (19.9 KB)

Just curious, if acme_url and acme_credential should be used or ACME_URL and ACME_Credential should be used? Or both are fine?

Your config file is fine.

I wonder why they flagged it on my first try before


I have also got the same comments.Did you go to know where was the problem?

Hello, Can you please me with the below criteria so that I donot repeat the same mistake during next attempt:

Your final mark is 66

Unfortunately you did not pass the Certification on 2019-03-09 21:24:52.

Your status is - Not Certified

Failed criteria:

check config file - config.xlsx for extra configurations for acme_url and acme_credential,
check for correct target selector 1,
check usage of transactiondata,
check for correct usage of transactiondata,
check against using hardcoded values 1,
check against using hardcoded values 2,
check using correct city values,
check for correct usage of items from the transactionitem 2

Hello, Can you please me with the below comments so that I don’t repeat same mistakes in next attempt:

Your final mark is 66

Unfortunately you did not pass the Certification on 2019-03-09 21:24:52.

Your status is - Not Certified

Failed criteria:

check config file - config.xlsx for extra configurations for acme_url and acme_credential,
check for correct target selector 1,
check usage of transactiondata,
check for correct usage of transactiondata,
check against using hardcoded values 1,
check against using hardcoded values 2,
check using correct city values,
check for correct usage of items from the transactionitem 2

Hi, I have tried contacting support by filling a form.
After a couple messages back and forth I sent a zip file with the attempt I had done for them to review manually. Have been waiting for a reply since then, almost 1month ago

the most important is for the ‘hard code’ part, whatever we use e.g. xxx.item(0) or xxx.item(“city”), 0 and city is also hard code, but this one , we cannot avoid this issue, I also want to know, how to handle this ‘hard code’ part by other candidate ?

Regarding to the ‘city’ value, I also have confusion, I use ‘Paris, Bucuresti, Moscow, Stuttgart, Koln’, setting in the excel file, then use instr() to judge whether the city in the String, does it have the problem ? can someone help ? thanks.

Your final mark is 57
Unfortunately you did not pass the Certification on 2019-03-21 13:04:42.
Your status is - Not Certified
Failed criteria:
check config file - config.xlsx for extra configurations for acme_url and acme_credential,
check the initallapplications.xaml file, for correct definition and functionality. ,
check the killallprocesses.xaml file, for correct definition and functionality. ,
check for renaming activities 1,
check for renaming activities 2,
check for correct usage of items from the transactionitem 1 ,
check usage of transactiondata,
check for correct usage of transactiondata,
check against using hardcoded values 2,
check using correct city values,
check for correct usage of items from the transactionitem 2

Extract the values for the Vendor, Address and Country and compare them with the values from the previously extracted table from the Display All Vendors page (check for EXACT match for all fields!);

Can someone here solve the problem, check using correct city values?
my project came with the same error and I did not understand the reason for this error?
I have to compare the country and not the city.

Any updates to this discussion? I only found this insight:

Hi all.
Here some pointers:

  • Hardcoded values: A good rule of thumb is that you should be able to pass the project to somebody else and they dont have to go into the workflows to change values. So City names, Tax iD,s but also error messages, paths, credentials, itemID’s etc etc needs to be in the config file. Avoid ANY hardcoded values.

  • Rename everything. and i mean everything (just to be sure).

  • Use the framework items. They have a whole list of transaction items, itemnumbers, transactiondata, etc etc. Use those. Check the documentation in the reframe map for all the possibilities and where they are called and created.

  • Use wildcards or variables for selectors. Or put those into your config file.

  • Add ACME_URL and ACME_ Credentials into your config! The credits can point to a variable used for windows credentials. So no need to put your password into the config file. Put them into the confid as described in the exam.

  • If they tell you to use username and password and URL in the init state. Use those! also the values are stored in Config.

  • for extra points check the grading system. Use Regex when possible, or some more advanced grading criteria to get some extra wiggle room.

  • Follow the instructions to the letter.

Dont get discouraged when failing the first time. You can have 2 more tries. Study and try again.
Also, after those 3 tries you can ask for more tries or just make a new account :slight_smile:

Gl all of you!

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