So, while trying to submit my bot for the UiPath Advanced Certification after finishing up the MCQ assignment, I failed my first attempt with the below evaluator comments
check separate xaml file for login to acme, with correct arguments,
check separate xaml file for login to acme, with correct definition and functionality. ,
check separate xaml file for close acme, with correct definition and functionality. ,
check for renaming activities 2,
check for correct target selector 1,
check for correct target selector 2,
check for correct usage of items from the transactionitem 1 ,
Can someone help me understand what these comment mean?
It would be much appreciated
use robotic enterprise framework,
check for renaming activities 2,
check for csv appendrange configuration,
check for correct target selector 1,
check usage of transactiondata,
check for correct usage of transactiondata,
check against using hardcoded values 2,
check for correct usage of items from the transactionitem 2
Similar errors for me also …
check separate xaml file for login to acme, with correct definition and functionality. ,
check config file - config.xlsx for extra configurations for acme_url and acme_credential,
check the initallapplications.xaml file, for correct definition and functionality. ,
check the closeallapplications.xaml file, for correct definition and functionality. ,
check the killallprocesses.xaml file, for correct definition and functionality. ,
check for renaming activities 1,
check for renaming activities 2,
check for optimal filtering of datatable records,
check for synchronizing ui when navigating pages,
check against using hardcoded values