Hello everyone,
I’m currently trying to get my uipath certificate, i already passed the thoretical part, but for the practical part (I didn’t pass), i’m finding difficulties to understand the feedback.
Here’s the feedback :
check separate xaml file for login to acme, with correct definition and functionality. ,
check separate xaml file for close acme, with correct definition and functionality. ,
check config file - config.xlsx for extra configurations for acme_url and acme_credential,
check the killallprocesses.xaml file, for correct definition and functionality. ,
check for correct usage of items from the transactionitem 1 ,
check against using hardcoded values 1,
check against using hardcoded values 2,
check using correct city values,
check for optimal validation of tax id,
check for correct usage of items from the transactionitem 2
Can someone explain what does it mean? I have no idea about what the problem is.
The process works fine.
Thank you.