CAPTCHA number

Unable to extract CAPTCHA number inside window.

Almost all of the captcha identifying services are paid. So not intrested to use them. Do we have any workaround for this?


Have you tried UiPath screen scrapping with Microsoft or Google OCR to capture the captcha? Check out this below thread for more info.

Hello @Sonalk

Using the OCR engines we can read the simple captchas, but it will fail if the CAPTCHAS are complex.

Instead of the CAPTCHA, is there any other authentication methods available? As captchas are designed to overcome the security threats with bots.

Hi @Rajeswari24 : Unable to extract any number. I have tried using Google OCR, Microsoft OCR, Tesseract OCR and Document understanding OCRs.

Computer vision is also considering it as 1219 (actual number is 7219).

Hi @Rahul_Unnikrishnan : CAPTCHAS are pretty simple for this problem statement. It will always be number b/w 0 to 9 (no text) but unfortunately bot is unable to extract text using different OCRs.

Did you tried with all the OCR engines? Like tessaract and omni page