Extract text from captcha

Trying to find any accurate way to automate captcha, have to extract the text from the captcha box. please suggest how can I deal with Captcha issue.
MicrosoftTeams-image (68)
MicrosoftTeams-image (69)

HI @Parul_Yadav

You can use Computer Vision activities and Get OCR Text activity to extract the captcha but all type of captcha’s cannot be extracted properly.


Hi @Parul_Yadav

Try using with get ocr text activity.

Hope it helps!!


Try to use OCR activites (You can use any OCR Engine) to extract data using “Get OCR text”

Hope this will Works for you.

Any OCR activities is not working properly

HI @Parul_Yadav

Have you tried Computer Vision activities?

Yes, but not working

Hi @Parul_Yadav

CAPTCHA are created so that no Bots could work on it.
On some of the captchas the bot might be able to extract out the data but OCR would be failing here in this case, it will provide some extra characters due to all these scribblings and linings present apart from the numbers.

So if you are trying to login into some app for your automation project, ask the IT Team to disable captcha for a particular bot user.


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