Can we able to create two robots in Modern folder ? If so please give the guide

Hi Team,


Can we able to create two robots in Modern folder ?

If so please guide me


Hi @amaresan,
Modern folders have no limitation. Each robot requires an account to be created and added to the selected folder. And of course, you need to have a proper number of robot licenses.

First and foremost, thank you for response. So, if I want to make ten unattended robot’s, I will need 10 e-mail ids ?

Note: I have 10 unattended license


Basically, yes. The modern folder model simplifies the idea of robots to users. It is a step towards the Active Directory environments where you can manage users in terms of accounts so it’s easier to fit robots in such environments. Please have a look at our docs at where you may find an information how to connect robot in orchestrator :slight_smile:

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