Can enterprise edition robot run on locked screen in remote desktops?

Hi all,

I have developed a workflow that runs fine when I run it through studio as well as Uipath assistant. It also works when I run it through the Job session in orchestrator. When I schedule the bot to run at a particular time while I have access to the Remote desktop it works as expected.

But when I schedule it at any time while I don’t access to the desktop it fails. The robot is not working if the Remote desktop is locked or disconnected.

Can we overcome this if we use enterprise edition of Uipath?

Any helps guys

if your project can run entirely from Simulate click & TypeInto activites and it does not required image activities (OCR, find image, click image) then your project should run fine when desktop is locked or when disconnect (but user should be logged in).

What if the user is not logged in to RDT.

We want to schedule the bot on a Remote desktop to work@ a particular time when no user is accessing the MC.

The goal is that the bot downloads certain reports before the user logs in so that they have it in hand.

the feature you are asking for is available in unattended license.
Can we just keep one user logged in 24x7 in that machine?


We’re currently unable to ask users to be logged in for 24*7. I was thinking if EE can solve this but did not find any answers on it.