I am using Uipath Studio in a Win10 Chinese platform. When I want to do a basic recording, I got this error:
"Type Into ‘editable text 文字編輯器’:Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector:
Can anyone help ? Thank you.
I am using Uipath Studio in a Win10 Chinese platform. When I want to do a basic recording, I got this error:
"Type Into ‘editable text 文字編輯器’:Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector:
Can anyone help ? Thank you.
Edit your selector and Omit “title”… This will take on consideration any note pad file open, but if you want to open that specific file, consider add the name of the file, or add a wildcard “*”, so that it becomes a dynamic selector.
Hi ,
Its a selectors issues , selectors are changing so make sure dynamic using wildcards(*).
Thanks, it works
Thanks a lot, it works
You welcome, make sure to do it for all titles… Mark as solution