Hi I am new to UIpath and I was looking to automate the task of writing text to the text editor using recorder after looking up tutorials online. However whenever I run the program I get the error cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector.
I checked the selector and clicked on highlight and it was correctly able to identify the application, but while running the application it does not detect it.
I have used the basic recorder and therefore has the full selector path.
I have attached a few screenshots of the problem and what I am trying to do.
Please help me with this problem!
Hi @shreyank,
Hope you are opening the new notepad before you run this. As if you save anything on notepad then it’s name will change from untitled- notepad to appropriate name
And also please make property
“Wait for ready” property to complete
Hi Venkat4u, thank you very much for your response, setting the Wait for ready property to complete did the trick for me.
its good to hear. Please make my suggestion as Solution.
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