Asking Execute Via CMD/PowerShell

hello, i have question, when i try to run Execute UI Path, via Command Prompt or Power Shell, there’s always show error Access is denied, i have tried to run as Admin but the result stil same. Please help. Many Thanks.


Are you trying to run the process via CMD?

Check below post for your reference

Hope this may help you


hi Vivek, UIRobot path folder as default is on C:\Users\User_name\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-***, so what need to re move?


That’s the example given for your folder
You are already in the folder but can you check the command

4. write UiRobot.exe -f or- file “FIlePath\GoogleSearch.xaml”

Hope this may help you


pardon me, still not understand, let say for this command .\UiRobot.exe execute --process Scheduler, what i need to do correction?


Check the below documentation for clear understanding

UiRobot.exe execute --process UiPathDemoProcess
UiRobot.exe execute -p UiPathDemoProcess

Just remove .\ before the UiRobot.exe and try

Hope this may help you


i have try to PS, the result showing like this.
Suggestion [3,General]: The command UiRobot.exe was not found, but does exist in the current location. Windows PowerShell does not load commands from the current location by default. If you trust this command, instead type: “.\UiRobot.exe”. See “get-help about_Command_Precedence” for more details.
PS C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-21.4.4> UiRobot.exe
UiRobot.exe : The term ‘UiRobot.exe’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included,
verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1

  • UiRobot.exe
  •   + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (UiRobot.exe:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

any clue?


Can you try in CMD with administrator access and let us know if you facing any issue



For Power shell

Check below post for your reference

Hope this may help you


still access denied…


Have you right-click on Command Prompt and click “Run As Administrator”?


yes already.

so how i must doing this? pls advise, thank you.

give a try on setting the working dir with Set-location YourPath within Powershell
before invoking the robot.exe

ok. working now. Thanks.

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