Hi all,
I tried to run a process from cmd line.
C:\Users*\AppData\Local\Programs\UiPath\Studio\UiPathAssistant>UiPath.Assistant.exe -file "C:\Users*\Documents\UiPath\HelloCmd\HelloCmd.1.0.2.nupkg"
2023-09-21T04:24:48.966Z making sure files are closed…
2023-09-21T04:24:48.972Z all files are closed .
It tried to open the UiPath assisstant and in the cmd line "2023-09-21T04:24:48.966Z making sure files are closed…
2023-09-21T04:24:48.972Z all files are closed " i see these . Can someone please guide me how to run from cmd line and also please let me know why those files are closed .