Arguments error in New updated Ui Path Studio versions

Hey Folks,

After assigning global arguments to local variables, After saving the workflow the arguments are been missing ?

Hi @Shiva_Raj

Welcome back to UiPath community
yes there is an update invoke workflow activity
you can check the arguments assigned with variables in argument collection property in Invoke workflow activity buddy
kindly have a view on this buddy

Cheers @Shiva_Raj

any issues still buddy @Shiva_Raj

@Palaniyappan still same i

ssue with aruguments.

it is something related to array index value been passed buddy
not with the argument missing that we faced before
kindly check with the array index mentioned in the assign activity and it should be within the actual range
Cheers @Shiva_Raj

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@Palaniyappan Thanks its working out.

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Cheers @Shiva_Raj

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