After installing credential packages still no getappcredential

批注 2020-03-14 113939

why it is still to be einstalled ?

thanks for helping


Have you clicked on Save after pressing on Install?

After clicking on save Uipath will add the package.

i am trying i think i did …thanks for answering this

now it is installed, but there is no getapp credential under framework

i found everytime is can be installed but after i reopen the uipath, it is gone

Check under activities not under framework

thanks that can be found under activities

but in the walk through lesson 3 assignment one i need to go here "Invoke the Framework\GetAppCredential workflow file. "


Normaly each new Robotic Entreprise Reframework project you will find it under :point_down:

Project → Framework → GetAppCredentials.xaml…

If not, just open a new Robotic Entreprise Reframework project and copy it from there…

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I’ll try it.It seems like.Every time I install it.It forgetPretty sure I clicked safe.

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Please review, that file is not provided in REFramework created within Studio.


Thanks for saving my life again.

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