Add UI Path extension in Chrome Browser without UiPath studio


We have define one process in UI path studio , But when Bot tries to execute the process, we are getting below error “Cannot communicate with the Broswer, please check UiPath extensions.
Is there any way to add UI path extension in Chrome through command line or without any manual intervention.

We are trying one server to execute this process which only have UI Robot installed, that is why we want a script which automatically add UI path extension in chrome while launching new server.

Try to dawnload this Extintion

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From the UiPath Studio Installed system, copy the SetupExtension Folder and paste into the Server which you are trying to install the plugin

After that open you command prompt and navigate to the folder, there give command as below

SetupExtension.exe /chrome

This will install your plugin without studio installed

Mark as solution if this helps


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Thanks for your reply.

Once I execute the setup command. Then we need to Click the Add to Chrome button as confirmation dialog box is displayed and then we need to click Add extension button. After that only extension is now installed.

I want this process to be completely execute through command line.


Yes, once you execute the command from command prompt, in google chrome it will prompt as Add to chrome, if you click on Add to Chrome then you are fine to go

Mark as solution if this helps



I want that Add to chrome option to be automated through command line as well. Is the possible ?


This is something with Chrome, not with uipath extension i believe, because we don’t have such type of documentation, maybe in the chrome side you may disable the warnings kind of stuff, but not sure

For documentation on Chrome extension you can check as below

Also you can check below for Chrome customization

Mark as solution if this helps


Did you found any solution for this ?