It seems that even though ‘Hide sequences’ is set to false, Studio 2023.4.2 hides them. I created a project in this version, the ‘Then/Else’ sequences in are hidden from the If-activity. But when opening this project in Studio 2022.10.x, it reveals all sequences.
I found v23.4.x have a few bugs and we do downgrade to v22.10 because its more stable.
Issue still present in 2023.6.0 and 2023.6.1
I’m curious why you want to see this extra clutter on your screen.
This is a feature as these sequences are a clutter inherited from the workflow foundation. So we are not showing them anymore.
What is your usecase? Why would you like to see them?
This was already discussed at length here on the forums (here: The Sequence (container) is not shown in Studio 22.08 and 22.10 - #12 by loginerror). What this post is reporting is that even with the setting turned off it’s still not showing the sequences.
Well, opening the same project in different Studio versions is often needed in my situation. Adding a simple If-statement from Studio 2023.x will generate the empty yet invisible Sequences.
When opening the project in Studio 2022.x the sequence will be shown which is cluttered and requires cleanup of the code (post-build). It will also lead to a Code Analyzer error having default activity name I think.
I also don’t understand why you say it’s a feature. The “Hide Sequences” toggle should enable/disable this feature right? Since it doesn’t work, something is not right. The feature imho whould be if the empty containers would not be generated in the first place
Another limitation found: I do not see annotations made using Studio 2022.10 by my colleague
In 2023 we don’t the the sequence name nor the annotations.
Both Studio’s have the ‘Hide sequences’ option disabled.
Bug still present in 2023.8.
This means I cannot edit projects in 2023.8 while others use earlier versions. Code analyzer will see ‘default names’ and empty sequences. And I will miss information from hidden annotations.
Frustrating and even more so since the issue doesnt seem to be understood by UiPath
Thank you for the feedback. I noted it and we will see what we can do in future releases. I completely understand the frustration around those disappearing annotations.
We will also have a look at the workflow analyzer rules that were thrown off by the hidden sequence, although I believe some improvements in this area might have already made it into the Studio 2023.10.
Do I understand this right, that you prefer changing the workflow analyzer rules over just making this switch to show the sequences working?
Edit: This problem only shows up in projects with type ‘windows’, in legacy ones I did not experience this behaviour. At least at my machine it is like this.
There are multiple levels to this issue, with an important distinction: the Studio setting to hide the sequences is a separate feature from the redesigned look of some activities (like IF, Switch, Try-Catch, etc).
When you consider the below scenario 1:
And scenario 2:
The Studio setting is only responsible for the root, top most sequence being either shown or hidden.
The If activity redesign is a separate issue.
As such, there are two things we have to work on here:
- any “broken” workflow analyzer rules will be fixed to not account for hidden sequences (I believe this might have already been fixed in Studio 2023.10, for both scenario 1 and scenario 2)
- the fix to the annotations that were “lost” as part of the Studio setting (annotations on the top-level sequence, scenario 1) and as part of the redesign of some activities (annotations on the inner sequences for decision activities such as the If activity, scenario 2)
I am probably resurrecting an old topic, but here it goes.
I understand the removal of the sequences as they are clutter and I do in fact delete them when there is only a single activity needed in legacy. But did you guys do any actual testing before releasing these changes? Here are two problems I managed to find in a few minutes just by doing regular development:
You can rename the sequences (bit odd considering, you don’t want us to see them), but you can’t see the consequences of the renaming
If you choose not to rename them, which is I can only guess the intended way of using these invisible sequences, then you run into an issue of your variables belonging to a bunch of sequences and you can only guess which is which
Yes, I could make a flowchart to avoid this issue. Of course, I could just move all the variables to the top of the scope. There is always a workaround, but I am expecting a lot more from UiPath as product, especially when I have to stare at the “Don’t use legacy, because we are soon moving away from it” popup.
Why would I want to move away from legacy when the new version is riddled with bugs and you are trying to push them as “intended features”?