1230 Connection status:Connected but unable to retrieve a license - No robot configured for the current user

I have installed 2023.10.4 Orchestrator. I had created robot and machine. But when I got to Assistant and try to connect with the Orchestrator It shows
Connected but unable to retrieve a license. I checked the License the show that the license is consumed. In earlier version i have created machines and robot account.
I took help from " How to Provision Unattended Robot in UiPath Orchestrator | UiPath Unattended Robot - YouTube"

It worked for earlier versions. But for 2023.10.4 its not working. What am i doing wrong.


Reason which it explained is " There is no robot configured for the user that attempted to connect to Orchestrator."


  1. go to tenant → machines → check if an unattended license is given
  2. go to tenant → manage access → edit user and check if a robot role is assigned


You need to sign out from Assistant. The robot accounts don’t have an UI Profile, that means you are using a different robot user from orchestrator (local or Directory).

@ Marian Platonov , Thanks for your reply. I did change one thing in the configuration. I enabled --Tenant-Monitoring-Unattended Sessions- configure troubleshooting session.

But when I tried to sign in then it gives error

Please let me know what am I doing wrong here.

Click on the Sign out buton

Go to Orchestrator → Tenant → Machines → Create a new machine template → provide a Testing or Unattended runtime → get the Client ID and Client Secret

Assign the Machine template to an Orchestrator modern folder

Go to UiPath Assistant → Preferences → Orchestrator Settings → disconnect the robot → Change the connection to Client ID → provide the Orchestrator URL, Client ID and Client Secret → Connect

If you still have the same error, open Task Manager and observe if the UiPath Assistant is opened with the same robot username as you set in Orchestrator

If not, close any UiPath Assistant processes and UiPath User Service
Reopen the UiPath Assistant as the robot user and check again

Hi @Matloob_Ahmed,

Are you able to review your domain/username that you are using to login?

Is that the same username that you have configured as robot account?

Refer below screenshot for 1230 error and it’s probable cause:
