I am getting error while writing datatable to excel sheet using Excel write range activity
Could not write the data table DataTable starting with A1
Earlier it was working fine but now I am getting this error
Can you try with workbook write range activity?
It is working using workbook activity but I dont understand why is it giving error with excel activity
is it happening for a single excel file or for all excel files?
This issue is only for one excel file
Please share the excel if possible
Hello @pratiksha_pawar
As you have mentioned the issue has recently started. There can be multiple scenarios you need to cross check to identify the issue.
1)Is there any change happened to the Excel template( which is not working)
2)Any recent update of the uipath or excel package has done?
3) Did you properly given the properties in the Write range activity( if its working for other excel you can ignore this)
Hi @pratiksha_pawar,
Check the data you wrote to the Excel file. This error usually occurs when there are special characters in the data. This may be the reason why it worked successfully before. Probably there was no special character before.