Workbook read cell return always 0 for formula result

Hello Friends,

I have the to read a cell containing a result of a formula: but the result is always 0 cell G26, despite the format i used for the extracted value (output of read cell G26 cell): double, generic, string…
always when i read the whole sheet into a datatable, i found always 0 for cell G26

sample.xlsx (28.6 KB)


Can you try to use ExcelApplicationScope and ReadRange for it as the following?


Hello Yoichi, i can’t use Excel application scope, i can use only workbook activities due to security concerns in the company :frowning:


It seems value of D26 and E26 is recognized as not numeric but string which has comma as decimal point. As a result, it throws error. Is this file output from Excel? It seems to have illegal format.


did you try to get the cell using read cell (workbook)?


No. I checked by Excel as the above image. “=E26-D26” returns an error.


try read cell (workbook)


It’s able to read it as String. However cannot read as numeric like double as the following.

If data is input as numeric correctly, Read Cell activity can handle it as numeric.
So, probably this is reason why the formula returns 0 by Workbook - Read Cell activity.


I changed the type to number, standard, acountability…but the result steel the same.


Can you try to read D16 or E16 using ReadCell to Double variable in the above case?

It might be also caused locale setting in the book. Probably comma is not recognized as decimal point.


Hi @abdel , just wanted to check the status here - were you able to get this to work? If not, would it be possible to share with us the project to help us troubleshoot this?


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