Wo sind die Trigger-Aktivitäten in UiPath.System.Activities > 22.10.8

When I open a new project, UiPath.System.Activities version 23.10.2 is installed, among other things.

In this version, however, I am missing a number of trigger activities such as “File Change Trigger”, “Trigger Scope”, etc. When I search for “Trigger” in the activities panel, I only see the following:

(UiPath.System.Activities, Version 23.10.2)

I have to downgrade the version to 22.10.8 (!) to have the desired trigger activities available, see screenshot

(UiPath.System.Activities, Version 22.10.8)

Even in the latest version, 24.3.1, the activities you are looking for are NOT there…

So a question: Where can I find the trigger activities in the newer versions of UiPath.System.Activities?

Thanks in advance, Michael

Hi @michael.nes

Enable Triggers in the Activities Panel by clicking Filter option. You will be able to see the activities.

The first picture represent the package UiPath.System.Activities.RunTime.

Check whether UiPath.System.Activities package is installed or go to Manage Packages => All Packages and install it


Gerne würden wir auch zeigen, wie wir es formal angehen:

Checking Availability / Compatibilty:


And can check the details:

And finally as mentioned by Varunraj we configure the Activity filters by:


Thank you very much, that’s it :slight_smile:

Perfect so the topic can be closed. Please mark my post as solution to close the loop


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