Without access to TEST MANAGER, the error "unauthorized" will appear

I need help!

I changed some permission that I don’t know about and now I have no access to the TEST MANAGER, it returns “unauthorized”. and the message:

You do not have the necessary rights to access this application.

Could you help me?

@Anil_G Could you help me?

@joseph.r.santos ,

Follow this user guide.

Ashok :slight_smile:

Hello @ashokkarale , thanks for the tutorial. But all these settings are in TEST MANAGER and I lost access. When I click on the test manager menu I get an unauthorized error. I can’t even open the menu. did you understand?

@joseph.r.santos ,

Your access seems disabled from Admin panel. Navigate to Admin panel above the test manager and check for the Roles & Access.

Thanks, :slight_smile:

@ashokkarale These are the accesses I have at the moment.

@ashokkarale @UiPath_Community @Anil_G @Activities_2020 help me please. thanks.