I’ve installed UiPath Orchestrator and Test Manager, but whenever I go to the TestManager url, I get a warning that I do not have the necessary rights to the application and presenting me with a logout button that drops me at the login page for Orchestrator
I’ve signed into Orchestrator as the admin user prior to trying to access the URL and during the TestManager setup I generated the external application token and provided it to the installer.
I must be doing something fairly simple wrong - can anyone tell me what I need to do to correct this issue so that I can access Test Manager?
Apologies for taking so long to respond - I’m afraid I took the longer way round to resolve the issue - I uninstalled Orchestrator and Test Manager completely and started again from scratch. The only part that changed was the machine I was using. Rather than installing them locally on my laptop (as I had done above), I created a Windows Server VM and installed everything there, and made it all available to my internal network. It all works now.
As an aside - I was only using the default admin user, which had all roles and permissions enabled.