While using generative extractor in documnent understanding, i am getting one error, how can i resolve it?

it says DU is not enabled in a message box whenever i click on manage field details

Hi @Sameekshya_Panigrahi

Try enabling DU in cloud and check

Hope this helps!

here document understanding is not there , what can i do?

Hi @Sameekshya_Panigrahi if you are using community edition document understanding will not be able to access you should have enterprise pro trial then in only you can use document understanding

Try Activating Pro trail

how can i check this?

For pro trial license you should use business email I’d go to the license there you can see start pro trial


Sign up for Pro Trial from here or you can start from Orchestrator as well:


and my generative extractor is not extracting details properly, what can be the possible reason,

@Sameekshya_Panigrahi can you share snapshot what error you are getting?