Which activity is used check activity automatically in URL

Hello connections
i need to automate the check box automatically by reading data from excel and check \ uncheck box in URL

Hi @Tejaswini_Yadav1 ,

Not getting your question clearly, can you provide some example about check \ uncheck in URL.


Hi @Tejaswini_Yadav1

You can use Check activity

Check - Will Check the checkbox
UNcheck - Will Uncheck
Toggle - alternative way if checked - it will get unchecked , and vice versa

You can use dynamic selector in the selector of the checkboc and pass the value in teh excel there


data in excel file it has to automatically select the option .
Actually iam confusing

Just use click. You can go with simple if. If excel says that the disount should be provided in then section use click for yes selctor. If discount shouldn’t be applied in else section go with click to no option.

It is not the real check box. Check box usually is a square that store true/false value :slight_smile: