Where to download the Unattended Robot and Attended Robot installation file?

Where to download the Unattended Robot and Attended Robot installation file?
Could you help to suggest me, please? Thank you.

Attended or Unattended robots are license types and not separate software programs to be downloaded.
There are three installation pieces to UiPath platform:

  • UiPath Studio
  • UiPath Assistant (previously known as Robot)
  • UiPath Orchestrator

If you don’t want Orchestrator onsite and/or just using Community Edition for personal use, then you can download UiPath Community Edition from cloud.uipath.com by setting up your account and organisation. Alternately, you can also download Enterprise edition from the Resource Center on the same platform.
Refer to this discussion for more details:
Download UiPath Platform from website directly

As far as your requirement for Attended and Unattended robots is concerned, you just need to install UiPath Assistant to see and execute all robots available to you from Orchestrator or locally published on your computer.

I hope this helps.



Attended and Unattend Robot is differenation will happen with the license you purchase

UiPath Assistance(Robot) is same file for both

For installation of only Robot you need to have enterprise license and Platform installation then only you can install only Robot(Assistance)

For community edition it is not available

Hope this clears your doubt



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