The job has finished but its status is still 'Running' in Orchestrator.
Issue Description
Error Message: "submitJobState: UiPath.Service.Orchestrator.Clients.OrchestratorHttpException: Request Entity Too Large".
When the issue occurs, the below behavior can be observed:
- The job has finished but the status of the job in Orchestrator is still 'Running'.
- If trying to kill the job, its status will remain in 'Stopping' for several hours.
- The event viewer error "submitJobState: UiPath.Service.Orchestrator.Clients.OrchestratorHttpException: Request Entity Too Large" is shown on the robot machine.
- The job page will keep loading and the CPU usage of the Orchestrator server will be close to 100%.
- Filter the job by using GET /odata/Jobs to determine the abnormal job.
- Remove the OutArguments of the process.