When I update any packages or download a new package then all activities in RE-Frame work goes error

Hi, recently I tried to update excel activity package in manage packages from V2.22.0 to V2.22.1 as shown in image below

but after update the whole project went error like this

all packages throw error like below image

then I restored the package to same version from V2.22.1 to V2.22.0 then every error back to normal

this also happen when i install any new package like Mail.Activities

when i uninstall that package then everything become normal without error

Please help me on this

Thaks in advance.

Can you please tell us your UiPath Studio Version?

Hi @ppr Thanks for reply.

2023.8.0 Community edition

See you got an option in this image as you could see
REPAIR DEPENDENCIES in mid panel of studio

Click on it this will get fixed

Cheers @jai_kumar2

Hi @Palaniyappan Thanks for reply, I have tried that option already but not useful it remains same.

when upgrading / downgrading different packages it can lead to a combination, where some activities will not get resolved anymore.

Also we would recommend to reference preview packages carefully.

To step out of such a combination conflict we recommend:

  • decide the main level - e.g. 22.X / 23.X
  • then check the referenced constraints by the additional packages (Mail, Excel…) against the Platform / UiPath.System.Activities and base line it to the best fit combinations
  • reference all needed packages with the specified version
  • remodel remaining unresolved activities, when it is occurring

I tried this but still can’t recover