What makes a CV scope not working under If-then-else?

Hi there,

Thanks, in advanced.

I have a simple CV activity here, when a pop up appears

CV will look for “OK” and do a “right click it”, it works like a charm if it wasn’t using if-then-else, once its in then, it won’t move.

I can’t simply use a click action since the UI element is not part of the target application (in this case, Edge).

You can use one more Use Application Browser inside your current scope to handle this popup.

Thanks, I tried it with one more application browser, same as CV, it works if it wasn’t in If-then-else action


Try using Classic Click activity as it will hold full selector and don’t require any scope.
Enable Continue on error so you don’t need to check if popup is there or not. If it’s there bot will click on it else continue further execution. Use desired number of seconds as timeout so if popup not found, it won’t add a delay.


  1. If using cv scope then you dont need use app/browser
  2. also if it is IE why not use normal click?
  3. As you want to perform the activity when condition is satisfied…may be as a work around…create it in a separate xaml and invoke it inside if
