We have started using Studio and are syncing our developments using Git.
Since last week 3 new files are showing up in one developer’s working directory, that are deleted on the working directories of the other developers after they published to Orchestrator.
If the initial developer deletes them manually they are showing up again after he is doing a publish.
The files are:
Just being curious.
What is different - in the settings - of that dev?
then please let the other developer facing this issue push the code after deleting and when you delete and push in summary you would see the changes where you can confirm if deletion is done or not
As mentioned in the branch they might be present so its syncing…removing from branch should remove locally as well
We found that the 3 files also appear on other developers working directory if the try to publish the scripts of developer 1.
(Normally we are all asked to set our scripts to “do not publish” before committing and doing a pull request to Git)
So I can state that the reason lies in the script.
Developer 1 is doing automation using “Use Application/Browser Chrome”