I already have several ideas in mind for process to automate!
I will start with daily reports since running several reports through our system is a tedious process.
On a seperate note, I could not use the “indicate in indicate Excel” function while I had other spreadsheets open, I beleive the macros from the other spreadsheets were interferring with the UiPath - Excel Extension because it worked after closing out everything else.
This was so cool. I felt so intimidated doing this even if it was silly. I have never done anything like this before.
I can think of several instances in life where it can come in handy. 1. Checking student papers for plagiarism 2.Grading assignments and transferring info to report cards. 3. Sending monthly announcements to parents.
It was a lot of fun building the first robot! I made a couple of mistakes along the way and I am glad through experimenting i finally managed to get my first robot working! I can’t wait to create more working robots!