Week 2 - Put Your Robots to Work

Week 2 - Put Your Robots to Work

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Hello, I tell you about my experience with this activity. I was guided by the robot path and from what I see there are two ways to do it: with the yes activity or with the switch activity. The main thing to keep in mind:

  1. everything must be embedded in the “open excel file” resource
  2. be clear about the location of the files to find the path where they are
  3. In the activity of copying the word file from the “resume templates” folder to “edited templates”, I first chose any file from the first folder, deleted the name and chose the indicated currentRow from excel. for the destination location I chose the indicated folder, add "" and then choose from excel the currentRow _ and add the extension .docx
    It is important to choose the 2 currentRows, otherwise an error will appear because the file would already exist.
    I hope my comment will help you and I remain attentive to any concerns.
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