Wait for Download Activy - Issue file woth dimension 0

I have a process which donwload many files from a webpage.
I have an issue when the file downloaded has dimension 0 kb. In this case the process is stucked waiting the donwload and do not detect the donwload is finished even if the dimension is 0.
I cannot find any properties or workaroud to avoid the process run into a timeout and fails.
Someone knows how to avoid the process to fail.


You can use the path exists activity to see if the file has downloaded and exists on your network

you can use this in a do while loop and put a delay in of say 2 seconds if the file exists returns false and it will delay another 2 seconds until it becomes true, then it will move on

Hi @r.pietrangeli

  • Use the Wait for File Download activity with a timeout. This will allow the process to wait for a certain amount of time for the file to download, and then it will fail if the file is not downloaded within the specified time.

Use File Exists Activity Checks the file is found or not.

Hope it helps!!

I used the timeout to manage the files with 0 Kb dimension.
Thank you.

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