"Validation Errors" while Publish

I wrote a simple flowchart to read a value from an existing Excel file by using following two activities:

  1. System - file - workbook - read cell
  2. App integration - Excel - read cell

With activity 1, the Publish is completed successfully. But it fails with 2nd activity with an error message below:


Thanks in advance! :pray::pray:


Is there a warning icon at the upper right corner of the Read Cell Activity?
You need to use “App integration - Excel - read cell” in “Excel Application Scope”.



Hi, @Yoichi,

There is no warning icon as show below and it works perfectly in local Studio.



If you use 2019.8CE, press shift+F8 and check Error List. (Click “Error list” at the bottom of the window)
Can you try it?



No Errors found.
As I mentioned, it works perfectly in Studio but is not able to be published.



I suppose there might be a file which includes some errors and the file is not related with running.
Is there a file with warning red icon in the project panel - expand all?



There was an issue with the Excel App Scope early this week. I posted a bug report on it.
Can you check this post here?


The solution for this is to create an output (variable) for the Excel Application Scope.

Please read on this post by @Lahiru.Fernando for further details.

Hope this helps.

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Hi @GhostBuster

Could you please try to import Microsoft.Office.Core to your project namespace

Please refer below link

I hope it will be useful to you

Hi @GhostBuster

Could you confirm if the solution linked by @jogayon001 in this post worked?

Yes, it works.
Thank @loginerror, @jogayon001, @Yoichi, @AndyMenon for your adivces,