Use Application/Browser Activity Error after Studio Upgrade to 2023.6 Release

I previously developed my automation in Studio version 22.10.x few months back and it was working properly. But Now after upgrading to version 23.6.0, Use Application/Browser activity is throwing error as shown below:
Now because of this error, I need to rework on all the activities which I created, and this will be time-consuming and complete re-development. I am using studio community version.
In Addition, there is a change in the windows machine configuration too. Initially the automation was developed in Windows 10 version and now the XAML files were moved to machine having Windows 11 version. Please suggest a solution to prevent rework on the entire automation.

Source: Use Browser Chrome: Login
Message: No open windows found for ‘chrome.exe’. Please check if the application is running.
Exception Type: UiPath.UIAutomationNext.Exceptions.ApplicationOpenException


Can you share a sample here in which you are facing the issue



Did you update chrome too, can you check why its not launching chrome if ots not open, just check properties of Use Application/Browser.


Hello @Anil_G and @prateek.mehandiratta9,

Please find the screenshots for your reference.

I have to replace with a new Application/Browser activity to fix this error because in the new version 23.6.0. A new field has been added to input Application Arguments which was not there with the earlier version 22.10.x.

In addition, I have to replace the input mode from chromium API to something else like Simulate etc. to make this work.

What do you have the “Open” property set to? If you have it at Never, it’ll only look for existing open windows. You need to set it to Always or IfNotOpen.

Yep, that happens during packages major update.



Did you try degrading the uiautomation activities instead of using current preview versions…that should fix

Also you can change the open property as well for the first one to if not open


Already tried degrading the Ui Automation Activities to multiple versions but no luck.


Try both system and ui automation

And ideally open and close properties are always there…

Degrade to 22.10 and see else you need to change the property only need not re indicate


Hi @postwick, Its already set to IfNotOpen.

Hi @Anil_G, Yes the same was tried as well but no luck.

Is Chrome opening, but it just doesn’t detect it - or is it not opening?

Have you verified the UiPath Chrome plugin is installed and activated?

Hi @postwick, I have checked the chrome extension, its absolutely fine. As i mentioned previously, a new input field is now visible in this Use Application/Browser Activity as shown below due to which its not launching the chrome browser and throwing errors. So i have to replace this activity accordingly but this will be a complete rework if i continue doing the same for rest of the actions.



Can you send a sample here atleast one xaml would do


I think you pasted the Application Path in there, that’s why it thinks it’s an application. You need to open Chrome to the page you want it to go to, click Indicate in the hamburger menu of Use Application, then click on the Chrome window you opened. Now it’ll recognize it as browser, not application.