Hey @Tom1989
Could be isolated to that machine or user profile. You can try it on another machine or user and see if you still get an error. I am suspecting that an Activity is not installed correctly (reading the error message); make sure you have all those activities installed that it mentions (like Custom.Activities.VariableComparer.2.1.3 and Baidu.Activities.VariableComparer.1.0.4), or even try reinstalling them and restarting Studio.
If after testing on another machine or user and it works, then you could try copying the folders it mentions to your other user with the issue.
If all else, you could try reinstalling Studio fresh again.
Other than that, I’m unsure because I’m just reading what the error says.
Hi @ClaytonM, Thank you very much for your reply. Will try to see if these activities are correctly installed.
Also, can you help me on the property valuation case? I really need your advice on how to proceed further. I have shared all the details required for your perusal on that topic.
It’s a type mismatch… sometimes It happens when some changes ar emade to the environment UIpath is running on. Try restarting studio else reinstall your studio.
Hi All, I am still facing the same problem on the above. Please, can anybody enlist the steps to resolve it.
If I reinstall UiPath Studio, Will it affect all the projects I have saved as .xaml files? In the first place, will they be deleted when I uninstall studio?
I have also reinstalled the activities following @ClaytonM suggestion but the problem still persists.
Ideally on unistall it should not delete your .xaml files
however to be safe go to the diretory where all your .xamls files/projects are stored and take a backup
then proceed with unistallation and reinstallation (make sure you restart your machine before reinstalling)