Hi everyone.
I am trying to upload a file into a webpage. As soon as i use the activity ‘Set Text’ and input the filepath.
It just closes the file explorer window and does not upload it to the webpage.
I have tried the following;
Adding [k(enter)] in addition to the file location string.
Using Classic Activities
Using Modern Activities
Attaching the browser/input box
But it keeps not selecting the file and reopens the file explorer input box…
Have anyone else tried this issue before? And what have you done to debug it?
Hi @manas My understanding was, when you are trying to give the file path the window was closing automatically. If this is the case, did you try the below one
Give the file path with set Text activity
is there any button like Open
If such button exists, can you try clicking on button after passing the file path
I have tried to click the ‘open’ box. Without luck. It re-opens and does not upload the file to the webpage.
Even though it was the correct filepath given.
This is just for example purposes.
Using “Click” on the ‘Open box’ in the Attach Browser/Application scope.
Does not resolve my issue of the file not being uploaded and the File Explorer input box re-opening…
It is a bit frustrating. From what I’ve heard it has always been kind of a problem to automate with the File Explorer with browsers…