File upload automation

How can I automate a file upload (using file picker control) to website? I am using the StudioWeb and cant find relevant activity to do so. also, when trying to do that with the click activity and trying to pick the relevant file - I cant manage to do that.
I am using MacOS.


Hi @Gabi_Dvir

In Studio desktop there is an activity called Browse for file activity which helps to select the file from local machine. It might be the same activity in the Studio web.

Hope it helps!!


I don’t think there is such option on the web Studio.

Hi @Gabi_Dvir
Welcome to the UiPath Community!

Studio Web offers limited UI Automation capabilities, and it seems File Picker control isn’t one of them.
Here is a list of all available activities in Studio Web (which also work on MacOS for Google Chrome or Safari)

You could use the Autopilot Recorder in Studio Web to use the best-suited activities in your workflow automatically.
Please try this out:



I am familiar with these activities – bit none of them support file upload.

I think this is a basic automation requirement and surprised it is not supported by UiPath.

Is there any workaround that can work and do this functionality?

It’s a long shot, but you could try this workaround with “Type Into” activity.

About the file picker issue, try using the “Click” activity and then use “Type Into” without a strict selector, ideally you should be able to use it by typing full filepath.