Upgrading UiPath Orchestrator 2018.4.4 to 2019.10.17

Hi All,

We are trying to upgrade UiPath Orchestratro 2018.4.4 (Single Server) to 2019.10.17.
Since we are installing on the same server where we have 2018.4.4., the installer is giving us option to upgrade in Multi-Node Instance and 2 more (Upgrade Primary Node and Upgrade Secondary Node).

So after selecting Multi-Node it asks for Insights DB and after Insights DB Server details, it goes for upgradation.
But after sometime it stops automatically.
Any one faced such issues and is there any option to overcome such scenarios.

Can’t share the Installation Log file as its official once and I m not authorized to share it here.


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were you able to complete the upgrade? if you have any documentation can you please share it with me?

hi @Anil_choudhary
If your orchestrator setup sees like below means that dont worry you already upgraded the Orchestrator into 2019.10.17


if you going to see something like below means that , you are going to do some changes and going to do the node changing

you don’t need to do it,
if you having more trouble with it , just uninstall and reinstall it


Sorry we don’t have any document.

You just need the latest version of .NET framework.

You just have to clear the Log table or take a back up of log table data as if its more records say more than 2 lakh rows, the upgradation process won’t complete and will fail inbetween.

Else it will get completed automatically as all the pre requisites are already there on the server.

Even if you will start the up gradation after clearing log table, the process will guide for missing components and you can do it in multiple tries.


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