Updated UiPath and now get error "Could not find a part of the path"

Hi there!

I recently updated UiPath (older Version) to 2019.4.2.

Processes that ran with out problem before now show me the following error message:

Message: Could not find a part of the path ‘[…]\project.json’.

Exception Type: System.Exception

An ExceptionDetail, likely created by IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=true, whose value is:

System.Exception: Could not find a part of the path ‘[…]\project.json’.

When i copy the xaml-File to my Desktop and run it from there, it works.
Any ideas or help why and what i can do?


Just delete the json file and re-open the Main.xaml file.
Take backup of json file for any issues.

Karthik Byggari



This is because dependency problem, I’m also faced this kind of problem before. Can you please check this link, It might solve your Problem.


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I too encountered this error while migrating a project to a new machine. The suggested fix of deleting the project.json didn’t solve the issue. I believe the problem is to do with a network UNC path not being resolved correctly from a mapped drive letter when it contains a special character (in this case, a $ symbol). I have had to temporarily move the workflow to a local drive but need to get it back onto the network drive for backup/security etc. at some point - so I eagerly await a patch to fix this…

Usually when a xaml main file runs, it will search for project.json file, so kindly check whether both the files are there in same folder and also move together as a folder, not xaml alone…as it will search for dependencies in the project…
Check whether any antivirus software is blocking the xaml or even the software…

Hope this would help you


Hi @MW23

Could you try this solution, if possible?

Please report back :slight_smile:

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Thank you all for your replies! I really appreciate it.

Unfortunately, none of the suggestions have resolved the problem. So…I decided to completely uninstall UiPath and then install it again (using the UiPath Platform Installer
Now, i get another error message when I try to run a small sample process:


Message: Access to the path ‘[…]project.json’ is denied.

Exception Type: System.Exception

An ExceptionDetail, likely created by IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=true, whose value is:

System.Exception: Access to the path ‘[…]\project.json’ is denied.

Seems like some access issue. But what i don’t get: i have used the same network and pc before and everything worked fine. My rights have been extended and i have installed a newer version of UiPath…but these are the only changes i have made…

Any suggestions?

i checked the answer you posted.
from it, i understand that this problem occurs when re-running the application (However Windows by itself sometimes have problem with proper file return after closing application in which file was opened.“)…so i restarted the pc and tried it only once (opening a previously created process)…and it didn’t work (see error message below [NOTE1], that came once then…and then the one above when i created a now process):
I checked the Computer Management and there are no items in the “Open Files” folder (like shown in the screenshot of Pablito).
However, i am not sure if i understand his answer correctly. He writes “Go to the server on which network share is created” → I am actually not sure what that means? Would i try to contact my local IT department and ask them to do that (>>> " Go to the server on which network share is created and check Computer Management to see if there is no active session on this file:”) ?
Because i don’t know on which server the network share was created…

Restarted pc, open file from folder on desktop, got this error message:


Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program.

Open Document Error: UiPath.Studio.Contracts.RecoverableException —> System.InvalidProgramException: Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program.
at UiPath.Studio.Shell.Services.DocumentService.ProcessNewDocument(IDocument document, IBeginAccessResult access)
at UiPath.Studio.Shell.Services.DocumentService.d__45.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Studio\UiPath.Studio.Shell\Services\DocumentService.cs:line 376
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at UiPath.Studio.Core.Services.PersistableServiceBase`3.d__10.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Studio\UiPath.Studio.Core\CommonServices\PersistableServiceBase.cs:line 0
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at UiPath.Studio.Shell.Services.OpenCloseCommandsService.d__20.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Studio\UiPath.Studio.Shell\Services\OpenCloseCommandsService.cs:line 230
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at UiPath.Studio.Shell.Services.OpenCloseCommandsService.d__20.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Studio\UiPath.Studio.Shell\Services\OpenCloseCommandsService.cs:line 235
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at UiPath.Studio.Shell.Services.OpenCloseCommandsService.d__14.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Studio\UiPath.Studio.Shell\Services\OpenCloseCommandsService.cs:line 88
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at UiPath.Studio.Shell.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel.d__206.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Studio\UiPath.Studio.Shell\ViewModels\MainWindowViewModelCommands.cs:line 182, HResult -2146233088

Hey @MW23

If I understand it correctly, you might want to contact your IT department for them to have a look. If the session was not closed for that particular file, then it won’t show in your Computer Management, but rather in the Computer Management of the machine that is hosting the actual shared drive.

This is all assuming that the solution applies here. I would first try to copy your folder to another shared drive or to a different location and try to open it again.

So I tried the following:

  1. Copied the entire folder for the process on my Desktop and ran the process —> worked.
  2. Copied the entire folder for the process into another shared folder on the network → get the error message from my first post “Could not find part of the path…”
    → which would mean, if i understand correctly: the solution proposed is not it.

When I check the Output panel it shows me the following information:

Does that help in any way?

If it is the Enterprise edition, I would strongly advise you to contact our technical support for direct assistance.

It seems like the clue should be the actual error message, in this case stating that the path to the file cannot be properly parsed. This can be due to some characters it contains. Any chance you could post a full path to the file, either here or privately? I could then get it to our team to try to reproduce the issue.

Maybe if you map the folder differently it would work too?

Hi all,

This is indeed a new issue that came from some changes we made on how the robot (service) is handling files that are needed when Studio or UiRobot.exe -f cmd runs a flow.
Until now, the files were accessed by Studio (the user), but now they are accessed directly by the service (Local System).
Since only the user has share drive access, opening the project in Studio will work (as is done by the user) but the running part that is done through the robot (local system) won’t.

We have logged it and we are currently searching for a solution.

In the meantime, you can use the following temporary workaround (if this is allowed by your IT department):
You can give access rights to your MACHINE to the share like so:

  1. Right click on share folder > Properties
  2. Go to Security tab
  3. Click EDIT
  4. Click ADD
  5. Click on Object Types select Computers and then click OK
  6. Add your computer name in the "Enter the object names to select … " and then click Check names
  7. Click OK.

If everything is ok, it should look like this and running a project from Studio should now work :

For mapped drives, the situation is a little bit more complicated than this.
Beside the steps described above, you need to map your shared folder to a letter FOR THE SYSTEM ACCOUNT like so :

Hope this helps,


Thanks, it worked…

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Thanks for your workaround, but I won’t be able to get this concession from my client’s IT dept. The robot service and workflows need to be able to access the same network resources/permissions as the user that is starting them. I look forward to a proper resolution soon. :slight_smile:

I’m experiencing the same problem here too “Access to path is denied; System.Exception”. I updated UiPath on my PC to 2019.4.2 and I am unable to use Google Drive File Stream for storing of my projects. I am unable to make the appropriate changes.

We are having the same problem, using a shared drive for our files and not being able to run it on the newest version. When will the fix be available?

Hi all,

We have a fix for this and we are going to include it in the next 19.4 (19.4.3) patch that we are targeting for next week (around Wednesday).

Thank you for your patience,

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Hi @icaruso,
Yes, we are still targeting 19.4.3 release for today. It should be out in a few hours.


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Is there already a new release ?

Yes, check out the download links below :

2019.4.3 FTS Patch Release Announcement

Changes: Studio & Robot bug fixes (full details in the release notes below)

Release notes: UiPath Release Notes

Please contact our support for the download links or request a Trial over here:

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An alternative to @andreiT 's workarounds: You can re-install Studio in user-mode, if that is an option for you. This will effectively give Studio same network permissions as the user. @AllenC logically this sounds like your option, too (if 2019.4.3 isn’t the answer)

That has always been the requirement for Robot to access certain mapped network paths: Using Mapped Network Drives

Note you will need the .msi installer to install in user mode, it’s not linked anywhere on the UiPath website, but this link might help: <link removed by Staff, sharing direct download links is not allowed>